How Dose GSTANK Help You Save Cost?2016-11-11
First, 95% hollow structure to save water bills Using collected rainwater through rainwater harvesting systems has 95% hollow structure, with the sufficient utilization and realizing the fast water storage, the water can be flowed...
GSGRID Keeps Livestock Away from the Muddy Problem2016-11-04
Many customers come and complaint about the muddy problems since many heavily trafficked place like paddock, gated areas, feeding areas are often cause muddy problem constantly. The mud problem is caused by the constant compaction...
How does Leiyuan Factory Control the Quality of GSTank?2016-10-28
The GSTANK is a structural lightweight modular tank system used to construct underground water storage for various applications. It is ideal for storm water detention and also for long-term rainwater storage. The rainwater harvest...
GSGrid Attract Farm Owner Become Our Distributor, Are You the Next One?2016-10-17
Dr. Ha is a professional veterinarian, has own laboratory mainly cultivate excellent germ cell. As the cow farm owner, he research and developed systems for caring cows that accommodate their physical and mental needs wh...
Unique Characteristic of Rainwater Harvesting Module2016-10-14
With the constant requests on cooperation from foreign customers, our products have been exported to other countries since 2013 and also got the unanimous praise from the dealers and customers in the US, Australia, Europe and Sout...
Paddock Grids Recruit Global Distributors2016-10-12
Paddock Grids made of PP, they are widely used in farm and stud-farm which play an important role in ground reinforcement. Its special structure specialized used for stud-farm and farm to prevent hoofs and body injury, mean...
Los accesorios principales materiales para la construcción verde2016-09-23
de 2008, la compañía Leiyuan se ha dedicado principalmente a la producción de materiales de plástico verde. los productos que fabricamos son: hierba módulo de cosecha de agua de lluvia, módulo de calefacción hidrónica de piso, rej...
Aplicación de módulo de agua de lluvia2016-09-07
Leiyuan metro agua de lluvia recogida módulos para almacenamiento de agua de lluvia ofrece hasta el espacio vacío más grande de cualquier unidad de almacenamiento de agua subsuperficial actualmente en el mercado. Los módulos de ag...
Construir una grava excelente sistema estabilizador2016-08-26
rejilla plástico grava de Leiyuan Industrial Company Limited es un sistema de grava estabilizada con la célula del panal y conexión de enclavamiento. Una vez que este sistema se llena con grava, es ideal para vehículos y peatones....
Razones para utilizar el sistema de calefacción por suelo hidrónico Leiyuan2016-08-19
sistema de calefacción piso hidrónico de Leiyuan Industrial Company Limited utiliza caliente calefacción de agua a través de tuberías en el plástico piso módulo de la calefacción, el calor entonces irradia y convects del piso en l...